Selected Philippine Stamps, 1975 - 1979 (B)

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Selected Philippine Stamps, 1975 - 1979 (B)

February 16, 1977: Dr. Jose Rizal - Set of 1 Stamp /// __ Issue / Perforation __ / Denomination and Image: 30s and (Jose Rizal) ///

August 26, 1977: OLUHO (Okinawa-Luzon-Hongkong) Cable System Inauguration - Set of 1 Stamp /// __ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: P1.30 and (Cable Ship and Route Map of Cable) ///

October 7, 1977: ESPAMER '77 (Exposicion Filatelica de America y Europa) - Set of 1 Perforate Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps and 1 Imperforate Souvenir Sheet of 3 Stamps /// Airmail Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 x 13 or Imperf. / Denomination and Image: (Perf. S/S) P7.50 X 3, and (Imperf. S/S) P7.50 x 3 --- (First Stamps of the Philippine and Spain, and Bull - Stamp on Stamp Design) ///

October 7, 1977: ESPAMER '77 - Imperf. Souvenir Sheet

October 28, 1977: First Pan American (PAN AM) International Airmail Service, 50th Anniversary - Set of 1 Stamp /// Commemorative Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: P2.30 and (Fairchild FC-2? Plane over World Map) ///

December 1, 1977 - Christmas 1977 - Set of 2 Stamps /// Special Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 30s and 45s --- (Christmas Lantern and Two Children Singing and Celebrating) ///

February 28, 1978: Sipa, Filipino Ballgame - Set of Block of 4 Stamps /// __ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 5s, 10s, 40s and 75s --- (Various Positions of Sipa Ballgame) ///