Selected Philippine Stamps, 1980 - 1984

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Selected Philippine Stamps, 1980 - 1984

November 20, 1981: Concert At The Park (Filipino Music Festival) - Set of 1 Stamp /// __ Issue / Perforation: 12 1/2 / Denomination and Image: 40s and (Concert at the Park) ///

November 20, 1981: Concert At The Park - Enlarged Stamp

June 5, 1982: United Nations Environment Programme, 10th Anniversary - Set of 2 Stamps /// Commemorative Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 40s (Pawikan) and P3.20 (Philippine Eagle) ///

August 2 (July 5), 1984: Philippine Butterflies - Set of 6 Stamps /// Special Issue / Perforation: __ / Denomination and Image: 60s (Adolias amlana), P2.40 (Papilio daedalus), P3.00 (Prothoe frankii semperi), P3.60 (Troides magellanus), P4.20 (Yoma sabina vasuki) and P5.00 (Chilasa idaeoides) ///

July 27 (August 9), 1984: 23rd Olympic Games, Los Angeles - Set of 6 Perforate Stamps, 6 Imperforate Stamps, 1 Perforate Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps and 1 Imperforate Souvenir Sheet of 4 Stamps /// Special Issue / Perforation: __ or Imperf. / Denomination and Image: (Stamps - Perf. and Imperf) - 60s (Running - Men's Event), P2.40 (Boxing), P6.00 (Swimming), P7.20 (Windsurfing), P8.40 (Cycling) and P20.00 (Running - Women's Event); (Perf. and Imperf. S/S) - P6.00 x 4 (Windsurfing, Boxing, Cycling and Running) ///

July 27 (August 9), 1984: 23rd Olympic Games, Los Angeles - Perf. Souvenir Sheet

July 27 (August 9), 1984: 23rd Olympic Games, Los Angeles - Imperf. Souvenir Sheet